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Jono DuguidJun 13, 2024 4:45:37 PM8 min read

Google Ads Restricts Brand Names & Logos From AI Image Generation

Google Ads has announced a significant update concerning the use of AI image generation tools within its advertising platform. This update clarifies that AI tools integrated into Google Ads will not generate images containing branded product visuals, names, or logos. Instead, these tools will be restricted to creating generic lifestyle and product images. This change aims to address concerns related to intellectual property and brand integrity while continuing to leverage the capabilities of artificial intelligence to enhance ad creative.



AI Image Generation in Google Ads

The integration of AI image generation tools in Google Ads is designed to help advertisers streamline their creative processes. By using AI, advertisers can quickly generate a variety of images for their campaigns, saving time and resources. These tools analyse existing data and trends to produce visuals that are likely to engage the target audience.

However, the ability to generate images that include specific brand names and logos raised several concerns. Brands were worried about the potential misuse or misrepresentation of their intellectual property, leading to possible brand dilution or unauthorised use.

Google's Clarification

In response to these concerns, Google has clarified its stance on the use of AI image generation tools in its ad platform. The company has stated that these tools will only be used to create generic lifestyle and product images, which do not include any branded elements. This ensures that the integrity of brand identities is maintained while still allowing advertisers to benefit from AI-driven creativity.

This clarification helps protect brands from potential legal issues and ensures that the generated images remain neutral and broadly applicable. By focusing on generic imagery, Google Ads aims to provide a versatile solution that can be used across various industries and ad campaigns without infringing on any brand's intellectual property.

Benefits of AI-Generated Generic Images

  1. Cost and Time Efficiency: AI-generated images can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with traditional ad creative processes. Advertisers can quickly produce a wide range of visuals tailored to their campaign needs without extensive manual effort.

  2. Consistency in Quality: AI tools can consistently generate high-quality images that meet the aesthetic standards required for effective advertising. This ensures that every visual element in a campaign maintains a professional look and feel.

  3. Enhanced Creativity: By leveraging AI, advertisers can explore new creative possibilities and experiment with different visual styles and concepts that they might not have considered otherwise.

Impact on Advertisers

Advertisers using Google Ads will need to adjust their strategies to comply with the new guidelines. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Creative Adjustments: Advertisers should focus on using AI-generated images for lifestyle and generic product visuals while ensuring that any branded content is created manually to maintain brand integrity.

  2. Collaboration with Designers: While AI tools can handle generic images, collaboration with professional designers remains essential for creating branded visuals. This ensures that brand guidelines are strictly followed and the desired message is effectively communicated.

  3. Monitoring and Compliance: Advertisers must stay informed about the latest updates and guidelines from Google Ads to ensure their campaigns remain compliant. Regular monitoring and adjustments will be necessary to align with any future changes in the platform's policies.

AI in Digital Advertising

The use of AI in digital advertising is not limited to image generation. AI technologies are transforming various aspects of the advertising ecosystem, from audience targeting to performance analytics. Here's how AI is making an impact:

Audience Targeting

AI enables more precise audience targeting by analysing vast amounts of data to identify patterns and preferences. This allows advertisers to deliver highly relevant ads to specific segments, improving engagement rates and conversion.

Audience targeting is crucial for maximising the return on investment (ROI) of advertising campaigns. By understanding the behaviours and interests of different audience segments, advertisers can create tailored messages that resonate more effectively. AI-powered tools can segment audiences based on a range of factors, including demographics, online behaviour, and purchase history. This level of granularity ensures that ads are shown to individuals who are most likely to be interested in the product or service, thereby increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Performance Analytics

AI-powered analytics tools provide deeper insights into campaign performance. Advertisers can access real-time data and predictive analytics to make informed decisions and optimise their strategies for better results.

Performance analytics is essential for understanding how well an advertising campaign is performing. AI tools can track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and return on ad spend (ROAS). By analysing this data, advertisers can identify which aspects of their campaigns are working well and which need improvement. Predictive analytics can also forecast future performance based on historical data, helping advertisers to plan more effectively and allocate their budgets more efficiently.


AI facilitates personalised ad experiences by tailoring content to individual user preferences. This enhances user engagement and fosters a stronger connection between brands and their audiences.

Personalisation is a powerful tool for improving the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. By delivering personalised messages, advertisers can create a more relevant and engaging experience for users. AI can analyse user data to understand individual preferences and behaviours, allowing advertisers to create customised content that speaks directly to each user. This can lead to higher engagement rates and a stronger emotional connection with the brand.

Ethical Considerations

While the benefits of AI in advertising are substantial, there are ethical considerations to address. Privacy concerns, data security, and the potential for biased algorithms are critical issues that advertisers and platforms like Google Ads must navigate carefully.

Privacy and Data Security

Advertisers must ensure that AI tools comply with data privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. This includes obtaining user consent for data collection and implementing robust security measures to protect user information.

Data privacy is a major concern in the digital advertising industry. With the increasing use of AI, it is essential to ensure that user data is handled responsibly and in compliance with relevant regulations. Advertisers must be transparent about how they collect and use data, and they must obtain explicit consent from users. Additionally, robust security measures must be in place to protect user data from breaches and unauthorised access.

Bias in Algorithms

AI algorithms can sometimes exhibit bias based on the data they are trained on. Advertisers and platforms need to actively work towards identifying and mitigating any biases to ensure fair and equitable ad targeting.

Bias in AI algorithms can lead to unfair and discriminatory practices in advertising. For example, if an algorithm is trained on biased data, it may perpetuate those biases in its targeting decisions. Advertisers must be vigilant in identifying and addressing any biases in their AI tools. This includes regularly auditing algorithms and ensuring that they are trained on diverse and representative data sets.

Future of AI in Advertising

The integration of AI in advertising is still in its early stages, and the future holds immense potential for further advancements. Here are some trends to watch:

Advanced Personalisation

AI will continue to enhance personalisation capabilities, allowing for even more tailored ad experiences. This includes dynamic content that adapts in real-time based on user interactions.

Advanced personalisation will enable advertisers to create highly customised ad experiences for each user. This can include dynamic content that changes in real-time based on user interactions. For example, an ad might show different products based on a user's browsing history or past purchases. This level of personalisation can significantly improve engagement and conversion rates.

As voice and visual search technologies become more prevalent, AI will play a crucial role in optimising ads for these new search paradigms, ensuring that brands remain visible and relevant.

Voice and visual search are rapidly gaining popularity, and AI will be essential for optimizing ads for these new search methods. For example, voice search requires a different approach to keyword targeting and content creation compared to traditional text search. AI can help advertisers understand how users are interacting with these new search technologies and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Enhanced Creative Tools

AI-driven creative tools will become more sophisticated, enabling advertisers to produce complex visuals and animations with minimal effort. This will open up new creative possibilities and streamline the production process.

Enhanced creative tools will allow advertisers to produce high-quality visuals and animations with minimal effort. For example, AI can automate the process of creating video ads, allowing advertisers to focus on strategy and messaging. These tools will also enable advertisers to experiment with new creative formats and styles, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in digital advertising.


The recent update from Google Ads restricting the use of AI-generated branded visuals underscores the need for careful consideration when leveraging AI in advertising. By focusing on generic lifestyle and product images, Google aims to protect brand integrity while still harnessing the benefits of AI-driven creativity.

For advertisers, this change highlights the importance of balancing automation with manual oversight to ensure compliance and maintain brand standards. As AI continues to evolve, its role in digital advertising will expand, offering new opportunities for innovation and efficiency.

For more insights on how AI is transforming digital marketing, visit the R17 Ventures AG blog. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping brands navigate the complexities of modern advertising and achieve their marketing goals. Explore our services to learn more about how we can support your business with cutting-edge solutions in search engine advertising, paid social, content production, and more.

By leveraging the latest AI technologies, R17 Ventures AG can help you achieve your marketing goals and drive greater success in your advertising efforts. Our comprehensive range of services includes search engine advertising/PPC, paid social, content production, UGC, website development, e-commerce development, organic social media management, email and SMS marketing, Hubspot optimisation, and data analytics.

As the digital marketing landscape continues to evolve, staying informed and adapting to new technologies is crucial for success. At R17 Ventures AG, we are committed to helping brands navigate these changes and leverage AI to enhance their advertising strategies. Visit our website today to learn more about how we can support your business and help you achieve your marketing objectives.




Jono Duguid

Senior Business Development Manager - 12yrs+ Experience in Digital Marketing